to help you retake control of your finances and feel empowered in your business.
Are You Ready
Or Not?
There must be something in the air; whether it’s rapidly rising house prices, changes in the markets or the fact that we’re coming out of a pandemic, but many of my clients are currently looking to move house, buy their first home or are in the process of re-mortgaging.
Here's what you can
do right now to
start to take back control
“I want to pay myself more from my business, but I don’t know how much is mine”
Do any of these sound a bit like you? I hear them from clients and people that I speak to a lot. Maybe not all the time, but whenever I see a post about money, or income streams, these sorts of statements usually follow in the comments at some point.
So What Actually
Is Financial
I’m so excited to share that a new recent addition to my skill set is that I’ve worked through a trauma-informed integrated coaching qualification. It was really clear to me while I was working through my financial coaching course just how much trauma impacts on so many different areas of people’s lives. Finances included. So it made sense to arm myself with this as it’s something I frequently come across while working with my clients.
Are Your Financial
In A Row?
I spent some time this weekend looking back over some photo memories on my phone of recent years.
It got me to thinking about motivation and what actually spurs us on to try and achieve something new. While we’re busy bustling through the day to day, it’s so easy to get lost in the ‘doing’ and clearing the to do list. Sometimes it take a metaphorical smack in the face to make you sit up and take a different course of action.
What does it take
to waste
£10,000 a year?
Do you know? This isn’t a joke you might find in a Christmas cracker, this is a genuine question. Shall I tell you?
Just £27.40 a day of miscellaneous spending….
Let that sink in for just a minute.
If you don't,
who will?
Let’s get real, dear reader. No one is coming to take care of business for you. No one is going to take your hand voluntarily and do all the things that you don’t want to do.
The cost
not knowing
Short and sweet for today, as I write this we are fast approaching the tax return filing deadline for income tax in the UK.
The simplicity
I know I’m not alone when I say this, but I wasn’t very good at maths at school. There, I’ve said it out loud. What is unusual is for an accountant to admit that out loud.
What are
afraid of?
I get objections sometimes when I’m working with clients. How else could I characterise objections?
New Year
Happy 2022 to all my lovely readers! And welcome to my very first introductory blog post for my new website! May this be a year of prosperity, clarity and confidence for you when it comes to all things numbers, from your Financial Wingwoman!